Give a girl a great pair of shoes and she can conquer the world.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a serious post. This is a serious post. Take your pick. As for me, it’s pretty serious and for dreamers only.

Don and I had a goal-setting business lunch today and in that lunch I conquered the world. Wearing a cute pair of shoes. At Taco Bell. Over a $1.49 burrito.

Now in all honesty, I’m the visionary that dreams the dreams and imagines the big stuff. Don is the practical one who says “whoa, whoa, whoa, girl, let’s step-by-step this thing out before you go diving head-first!”.

Regardless, today’s Taco Bell lunch was a big deal.

I penned out my big-picture vision for the remainder of the year with that metallic aqua-blue sharpie that came in so handy, found at the bottom of my purse (who even knows why it was there?).

And he caught the vision. He saw my plan and we strategized in big ways.

Now I know you’re wondering what cute shoes have to do with big picture planning. Nothing. Except to say that the better you feel about yourself, the more confident you are.

And being confident and feeling great while strategizing the big picture of your business is, well, a big deal. But basically, the cute shoes are just a side-note.

Have you ever had a BIG PICTURE planning session with someone who supports your dreams and goals? If not, I highly suggest you do this and do it pronto.

Here’s how:

01/ NEEDED: SHARPIE PEN + LARGE GRAPH PAPER: The sharpie pen will make a bold statement. So will the large pieces of graph paper that you will later pin to a wall near your desk.

02/ DON’T OVERTHINK - JUST DREAM: This is important. This is a DREAMING session and I want you to allow yourself to think big and write down your most over-the-top goals and dreams for your business.

03/ INCLUDE THE NUMBERS: Yes, this should include your financial goal. Are you dreaming of the day you hit 6 figures? Maybe you’re already there and you’re dreaming of scaling your business to a 7-figure business. Whatever the goal, write it down.

04/ SKETCH OUT THE WHY + THE HOW : Why do you want to reach this goal - what’s the motivator? Are you wanting to put your son through college? Make extra money for your daughter’s wedding? Scale your business to the next level? Retire your spouse from corporate America to work along side you in the business?

How will you get there in terms of sales? Do you need to photograph 100 families at $3,000 to reach your goal? Or, do you need to find 500 students to buy your $397 course to get there? Whatever it is, sketch out the roadmap. Keep it simple.

05/ POST IT ON YOUR WALL: Take this to the office (or your home office) and post it on the wall so you can visibly see the simplicity of this “Big PIcture” brainstorm. Because remember, this was a simple dreaming session.

CONCLUSION: This isn’t to replace a serious goal-setting session, rather, it’s a simple pause to look at the big picture in a simplistic way without getting too deep into the weeds.

Sometimes we need that refresher to step back and remember the “big goal” connected to our why. It allows those of us that are creative to reconnect to the vision of our business and the goals that spur us on.

So my question for you is this: do you meet with someone either by skype or in person who supports your vision for your business?

Do you have big-picture dreams and goals?

And more importantly, do you have a great pair of shoes to carry you there?

If you don’t, your first order of business today is to go buy a pair. Because life’s too short. Dream the dreams and go buy the shoes!

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